Doctor Specs Book 5 - Sneak Peek

It was midnight. It was so foggy, all that could be seen was the large winged creature, the old fashioned, haunted, creepy coach and the haunted castle in the distance. Inside the coach, was the angry, ugly, and rather smelly coachman. Inside the coach was a penguin and an old man. The penguin leaned over to say something in the old man’s ear
‘Psst… Dr. Specs’ he whispered. ‘Do you think we can jump out of here without Mr. Scary and Smelly noticing us?’
‘I doubt it’ the doctor whispered back.
They could see the castle getting nearer and nearer. It had a large gate with a sign above it that said: If you enter, you probably won’t leave. The coach flew over the gate and landed on a wooden platform surrounded by stone angel statues.
‘This doesn’t look very welcoming’ whispered Doctor Specs.
‘Agreed’ the penguin whispered back.
But then, silence fell over the castle. A shadow-like figure appeared.
‘Ha ha ha’ he bellowed evily. Doctor Specs gulped, then he picked up his cellphone.
‘No.’ he yelled. ‘Let us go or I will play rap music on my cellular device, you stupid primates’
‘Do you dare to insult me?’ he asked. ‘I’m a king. You will be executed!’
‘No we won’t’ Doctor Specs yelled.
‘Off with their heads’ bellowed the strange man.
Two men holding axes marched over to Doctor Specs and the penguin named Peng. The axes had symbols on them. The symbols were: .نهايتك قريبة. الفأس ينتظر
‘Those symbols’ exclaimed the doctor. ‘They are in Arabic’.
‘What do they mean?’ asked Peng.
‘Err...’ said the doctor. ‘Your end is close. The axe is waiting’.
‘Scary’ said Peng
The men escorted Peng and Dr Specs to the ‘axe room’ where they would meet their death, or would they? Dr Specs had a plan.

This is a snippet from Bleys Robertson's Dr Specs: The Midnight Castle
